Jefferson Township Museum
...a charming Victorian house.
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The Jefferson Township Museum on registry as the George Chamberlain House is located in the historic Milton Village section of the township. The museum is a representation life in the late 1800's. Costumed docents conduct tours on the first Sunday of each month. From July to October, the museum is featuring "Something Borrowed Something Blue...Wartime Weddings" which is a display on all floors of gowns, uniforms and memorabilia. Museum Christmas weekend is always the first weekend of December. Miss Elizabeth's Garden, affectionately named after the first bride of the house, reflects the era and we have labeled it for self-touring. The kitchen serves as a gift shop with local and unique items. The location of the museum on the banks of the Russia Brook lend itself to a lovely afternoon experience.
History of the Jefferson Township Museum
In the 1870s, Amos Chamberlain, a resident of Milton Village built a second house. His son, George, married Ruth Elizabeth Speaker in 1874 and moved into the new house on Dover-Milton Road. Two children, Raymond and Archie were raised in the house and attended school in the Milton Village. The family was in residence until the 1890’s. For many years afterwards, the house was home to various families who rented from the Chamberlain family.
In 1960, the Friends of the Library purchased the Chamberlain House. They began the task of refurbishing the building into a library. For the next nineteen years it functioned as the Violet Riker Library. When the new Jefferson Library was built, the township acquired the building. Under the supervision of local resident, Emily Panek, renovation began.
With a $15,000 grant and $27,000 raised from the township the renovation began in 1982. Citizens donated much of the labor. Walls were sandblasted and the chestnut floors were repaired. A large hole in the front door was repaired. The windows were all repaired by hand. The rear left liter broke and water came in through the back wall. After two years of work, the building became the Jefferson Township Museum and home to the Jefferson Township Historical Society. It remained as such with little interior or exterior change until 2005.
Mission Statement. The George Chamberlain House, known as the Jefferson Township Museum is designed as an interpretation of life in the last quarter of the 1800s. Each room reflects how the Chamberlains, the original family might have lived during that period of time.
First Sunday of Each Month. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. For more information or any questions, please email us!