Joint MCEDC & MCEDAlliance Advisory Board Meeting
Join us Tuesday, November 28, at 12:00 PM, for the Joint Morris County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) & Morris County Economic Development Alliance (MCEDAlliance) Advisory Board Meeting at the County College of Morris, Student Community Center, Davidson Rooms A & B, in Randolph, New Jersey.
Our Interactive Program Includes:
– Complimentary Lunch
– Networking
– Concise and Relevant Presentations on Grants, Services, Initiatives, and Market Trends
– Optional Tour of County College of Morris & More
Our Complimentary Program is by Invitation only to Advisory Board members.
About The MCEDC & MCEDAlliance Advisory Board
The MCEDC & MCEDAlliance Advisory Board consists of community and business leaders who operate as the eyes and ears attuned to today’s evolving landscape. The board offers feedback that fuels programs designed to better align with the needs of businesses and communities serviced by the ecosystem.
Welcome, MCEDC and MCEDAlliance initiative Update:
Meghan Hunscher, President & CEO of MCCC & MCEDC
Meghan Hunscher currently serves as the President and CEO of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, a 501(c)6 membership organization, where leads a premiere regional membership business association in north central New Jersey.
She also oversees the operations of the Morris County Economic Development Corporation, which is a division of the Chamber and public / private partnership between the Morris County Commissioners, the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, and the business community.
Craig Schlosser, President & CEO of MCEDAlliance & Tourism
Craig Schlosser is the President & CEO of the Morris County Economic Development Alliance, a 501c(3) nonprofit organization, and the Morris County Tourism Bureau, a division of the Morris County Economic Development Alliance. Craig serves as the President Emeritus & Advisory Board Chair of First Night Morris County. Prior to his current role, Mr. Schlosser served for 7 years as the Vice President for the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce and Central Jersey Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Mr. Schlosser is an active member of the community where he serves on numerous boards, advisory boards, committees, and as a Non-Profit Executive. He is currently on the New Jersey State Employment and Training Commission‘s (SETC) Apprenticeship Committee, New Jersey Travel & Industry Association (NJTIA) Board Member, NJ STEP Export Committee Member for the New Jersey Business Action Center (NJBAC), is an Advisory Board Member for the New Jersey Small Business Development Center (NJSBDC), a Corporate Leadership Council Member for Cornerstone Family Programs, serves on the Morris County Chamber of Commerce’s Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee, and as a Member of the Business Outreach Committee for the Northwest-NewJersey Workforce Development Board. Craig previously chaired 7 out of the 8 Talent Networks in Central New Jersey and served as the Middlesex County Workforce Development Board’s One Stop Operator.
In 2016, New Jersey’s Marketing Association, The NJ Ad Club honored Mr. Schlosser with Jersey’s Best 40 Under 40 for his marketing and business development accomplishments. Craig is currently pursuing his Masters in Management with a focus in Community & Economic Development.
Bill Spear of NJBAC
New Jersey Business Action Center (NJBAC) Grant Program – NJSTEP:
Learn about this SBA backed program offering funding to small businesses, whether they are entering the export market or already engaged in international trade.
Beth Rogers, Executive Director Workforce Development Board of Northwest New Jersey – Workforce Training Grants for Incumbent Workers
Gain information about workforce training grants for employees already working in your business. These grants can support on-the-job training initiatives.
Tom Werder, Morris Arts
Presentation of AEP6 Study Results
Learn about the Americans for the Arts launch of Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6), their sixth national study of the economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture industry. Building on its 25-year legacy, the highly regarded Arts & Economic Prosperity® series will once again document in unprecedented scope and detail the economic power that the arts and culture wield in 373 participating communities representing all 50 states and Puerto Rico—communities ranging in geography (Alaska to Florida to Maine to Hawaii), population (4,000 to 4.7 million), and population density (rural, suburban, and large urban).
Dr. Anthony J. Iacono, President, County College of Morris (CCM)
Patrick Enright, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Workforce Development and Student Success Services, County College of Morris (CCM)
Investment in Success: County of College Morris
Welcome remarks with a share-out of CCM Investments including their new Career Training Center located on CCM’s campus. This joint endeavor will open doors and improve lives by enabling Morris County students to pursue in-demand educational and career pathways while earning high school and college credits simultaneously.
To learn more or get involved with the MCEDAlliance or MCEDC please call 973-210-6078.
About the Morris County Economic Development Corporation
The Morris County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is a Private-Public Partnership focused on driving economic growth in Morris County, New Jersey. MCEDC is a Division of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, a 501c6 Non-Profit.
About the Morris County Economic Development Alliance
The Morris County Economic Development Alliance (MCEDAlliance) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization committed to providing market-centric solutions and building strong relationships which drive tourism, community, and regionalized economic development through effective private-public partnerships.