HistoryGeneral Lafayette Will Take Another Morristown Victory Lap This Summer

The Marquis de Lafayette, the famous French general who helped turn things around for the Continental Army 250 years ago, will take a victory lap in Morristown this summer.

A parade will commemorate an 1825 Morristown visit by Lafayette, who at that time was the last living general of the American Revolution.

There also will be a celebration on the Morristown Green, a re-enactment of an 1825 fete at the Sansay House, and a symposium examining Lafayette’s contributions — not only to the founding of our country, but to human rights throughout the world.

That’s according to the American Friends of Lafayette, the group sponsoring a 13-month re-enactment of General Lafayette’s 1824-1825 Farewell Tour as America’s “National Guest.”

The festivities began last summer, and will replicate the General’s itinerary with programming across 24 states through this September.




On July 13, 2025, an actor portraying Lafayette — whose full name was Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette — will return to Morristown, dubbed by some historians as the “Military Capital of the Revolution.”

Two centuries ago, at the invitation of President James Monroe, Lafayette, then 67, toured all the states in the union to great acclaim, said Carol Barkin, co-chair of this summer’s celebration. Lafayette stopped in Morristown on Bastille Day, July 14, 1825.

“Our plans include having local businesses, historical and lineage societies, and nonprofits on the Morristown Green concurrently with the parade and celebration,” Barkin said.

“Local and French dignitaries will be on hand, and our goal is to have 1,000 spectators actively participating on the Green,” she said.

On his momentous first visit, May 10, 1780, Lafayette delivered news to Gen. George Washington at the Ford Mansion that the Americans would receive full support from Louis XVI, the French monarch.

That meant money, armaments, soldiers and ships to support the war effort against Britain.

Historians consider Lafayette’s first trip to Morristown as an important turning point in the War for Independence.

The “Alliance” statue of Lafayette, Washington and Alexander Hamilton on the Morristown Green depicts the Marquis’ visit of 1780.

This summer’s bash will be a precursor of next year’s revelry for the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

The American Friends of Lafayette, established in 1932, is an historical society dedicated to raising awareness of Lafayette’s life and times, and promoting friendship between America and France.